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Anterior Hip, Total & Partial Knee Joint Replacement Surgery in Plano, Frisco


Hip Resurfacing - Dallas - Fort Worth, TX

Hip resurfacing may be an alternative to total hip replacement for certain patients. Patients with advanced hip arthritis may be candidates for either traditional total hip replacement (arthroplasty) or hip resurfacing (hip resurfacing arthroplasty). Both procedures are types of hip replacement, but there are key differences. Your orthopaedic surgeon will discuss your options and recommend the procedure that is best for your condition.

In a traditional total hip replacement, we remove the head of the thighbone and the damaged socket (called the acetabulum) and replace them with artificial components. With hip resurfacing, we do not remove the femoral head. Instead, we trim away the damaged bone and cap it with a smooth metal covering. We remove damaged bone and cartilage from the socket and replaced it with a metal shell, just as in a traditional total hip replacement.

The advantages of hip resurfacing over traditional total hip replacements is the primary focus of research currently in progress. Hip resurfacing may be easier to revise than total hip replacement. Since the components used in hip replacements and hip resurfacings are mechanical, they can wear out or work themselves loose over time, typically 15 to 20 years after the procedure. These mechanical components, called implants, may last longer or shorter based on a variety of factors.

If an implant fails, another procedure may be necessary. Though this is called a revision, it can be more complicated than the initial surgery. Hip resurfacing removes less bone from the femur (the large thighbone) than traditional hip replacement. As a result, many surgeons believe it is easier to exchange implants that fail after hip resurfacing.

Some also believe there is decreased risk of hip dislocation because the ball they use is larger than a traditional hip replacement ball and closer to the size of your natural hip ball, making it theoretically harder to dislocate. Of course, several factors can affect dislocation risk, such as the surgical approach and the type/size of implants used.

Some studies have shown that walking is more natural following hip resurfacing although the differences are so subtle that we need special instruments to measure them.

For more information on joint resurfacing or to schedule an appointment, call our office in Dallas, Texas today at 972.392.3330 or use our Appointment Request Form. Our joint resurfacing patients come to us from Garland, Frisco, Dallas, Fort Worth, Plano and Richardson.

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