Knee Replacement – Dallas – Fort Worth, TX
Your knees are the largest joints in your body. Knee replacement, called arthroplasty, is a surgical procedure to resurface knees damaged by arthritis. Orthopaedic surgeons use metal and plastic parts to cap the ends of the bones that form the knee joint and kneecap. The knee joint is most often damaged by traumatic arthritis, which is arthritis caused by injury. This can damage the knee cartilage.
If your knee is severely damaged by arthritis or injury, you may have difficulty performing simple activities such as walking or climbing stairs. You may feel pain while sitting or lying down. If nonsurgical treatments like medications and walking supports such as canes or walkers are no longer helpful, you may consider total knee replacement surgery. Knee replacement surgery is safe and effective for correcting leg deformities, relieving pain and helping you resume your normal activities.
Knee replacements are among the most successful procedures in medicine. According to recent statistics, over 600,000 knee replacements are performed each year in the United States. Your orthopaedic surgeon will recommend surgery according to your pain and disability, not your age. Most total knee replacement patients are between 50 and 80 years of age, but orthopaedic surgeons evaluate them individually. We have perfomed total knee replacements successfully on people of all ages, from early teens with juvenile arthritis to aging patients with degenerative arthritis.
To schedule an appointment, call our Dallas office at 972.392.3330 or use our Online Appointment Request Form today. Our patients come to us from Richardson, Frisco, Garland, Dallas, Fort Worth and Plano.